How To Build An Academic Website Using Hugo And Github Pages
1. Introduction
Internet and social media are powerful tools to build your presence as an academic scholar, network with peers and promote your research. Besides social media, an essential online presence that one can have is a personal website.
This post describes how to set up a personal academic website using the static website generator Hugo and publish it using GitHub Pages. The post is targeted toward students, scientists and faculty members who have a basic knowledge about how to use Git, command line tools and Github.
Our final goal is to have two Github repositories: a source repository called username_website, which contains the website’s unprocessed resources and a host repository called which hosts the website.
2. Create a Website
2.1 Prerequisites
As mentioned before, you need certain prerequisites to follow this post. The requirements are listed below.
- You must have a Github account.
- You must have Git installed.
- You must have Go installed.
- You must have basic Command line knowledge.
2.2 Install Hugo
Download and install the hugo from gohugoio/hugo into your computer.
2.3 Download A Theme
Open the terminal and from your home directory, type the following commands.
git clone username_website
cd username_website
git submodule update --init --recursive
2.4 Launch The Website
Make sure you are in the username_website directory. From the terminal, type the following command
hugo server
3. Basic Customisation
3.1 Open Files In Text Editor
To customise the website, we need a text editor. You can choose any of your favourite text editors to do the task. In case you are using atom, you can open the files as follows:
Make sure you are in username_website directory. Now type
atom .
This must open all the files in the directory on the atom text editor window. Now, if you edit and save any file, the changes should reflect on your local browser window.
3.2 Personal Details Customisation
Following are the essential files you need to modify to customise your website:
- config/_default/config.yaml : Edit this file to modify general website information.
- config/_default/params.yaml : Edit this file to customise your website.
- config/_default/menus.yaml: Edit this file to customise the menu bar.
- content/authors/admin/ Edit your personal information here.
3.3 Profile Picture Customisation
The profile picture and the website icon can be modified as follows:
- content/authors/admin/avatar.jpg
- assets/media/icon.png
Replace avatar.jpg and icon.png with the pictures of your choice.
3.4 Widgets Customisation
To modify the widgets on your homepage, change the files in the content/home/ folder. In case you want to delete a section, open the related file and set active:false. More details about customisation can be found on wowchemy website.
4. Modify .gitignore File
In .gitignore file delete the line saying public/.
5. Delete public/ Folder
Completely delete public folder if it exists.
6. Create A New Repository username_website On GitHub
To create a new repo on GitHub, log in and go to the GitHub home page. You can find the “New repository” option under the “+” sign next to your profile picture in the top right corner of the navbar. After clicking the button, GitHub will ask you to name your repo and provide a brief description.
- Name the repo username_website.
- Provide a brief description, for example, “Contents of my academic website”.
- Click on Create repository button.
7. Modify .git/config file
Currently .git/config file looks like shown below
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
ignorecase = true
precomposeunicode = true
[remote "origin"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "main"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/main
Modify the url to look like this
repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
ignorecase = true
precomposeunicode = true
[remote "origin"]
url =
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
[branch "main"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/main
8. Add Files To Staging Area And Create A Commit
After you have completed customising the website, add all the files to the staging area with the following command. Make sure you are in username_website directory.
git add .
Once all the modified files are added to the staging area, leave a short commit message which summarises your changes.
git commit -m "fully customised version of the website"
9. Point Your Directory username_website To Your Newly Created username_website Repo On Github
From username_website directory in the terminal type
git push -u origin --all
Now, login to your account in Github and make sure that all the contents of your website are uploaded to username_website repository. This repository will hold all the contents of your website on Github. Now that we have a secure copy of all the contents, we can move on to create a new repository to host your website.
10. Create A New Repository On GitHub To Host Your Website
Create a new repo on GitHub named Log in and go to the GitHub home page. You can find the “New repository” option under the “+” sign next to your profile picture in the top right corner of the navbar. After clicking the button, GitHub will ask you to name your repo and provide a brief description.
- Name the repo The ‘username’ here must be same as your Github username.
- Provide a brief description, for example, “My academic website”.
- Click on the Public option
- Initialise the repository with a README file and a licence.
- Now click on Create repository button.
11. Update The Website URL
Update the website url in config/_default/config.yaml file. The base url must look like
baseURL: '' # Website URL
12. Clone To public Directory
From the terminal, run the following commands:
cd username_website
git clone public
13. Make A Test File To See If The Website Works
Let us make a text file index.html to check if the website works as intended. From the username_website directory, type the following commands
cd public
touch index.html
echo '<h1>Hello World - v0</h1>' >> index.html
Now push this change to the Github repository corresponding to the website. That is the repository named using the following command.
git add .
git commit -m "test webpage"
git push
If everything goes well, towards the end of the terminal output, you must be able to see the following lines.
Else, you might encounter the following error
remote: Permission to username/ denied to username.
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403
14. Clone The Repository Outside The username_website Directory
Make sure you are outside username_website directory. Then type the following commands to clone repository into your computer.
git clone
echo '<h1>Hello World - v1</h1>' >> index.html
git add index.html
git commit -m "testing if the website works"
git push
After successfully completing the above procedure we move this repository into the username_website. Run the following commands from outside the username_website directory.
rm -rf username_website/public
mv username_website/public
Now type the following commands,
cd username_website/public
echo '<h1>Hello World - v2</h1>' >> index.html
git commit -am "testing if the website works from within hugo project"
git push
Wait for a few minutes and go to the website You must be able to see the contents of the newly published index.html page.
15. Configure public As A Submodule
Add as a submodule using the following commands. Make sure you are in username_website directory.
cd public
git submodule add -b master public
Now open .gitmodules file and make sure the contents of the file look like shown below.
[submodule "public"]
path = public
url =
branch = master
16. Construct And Publish Your Website
Now construct your website using the following command. From username_website directory run the following command.
The above command will construct the html, css and js files necessary to show your website online in the public folder. Now run the following commands to push your website online
cd public
git add .
git commit -m "first version of the website is now online"
git push
Go back to and check out your newly published website!